Can You Tell When Your Pet Is In Pain?

We all know when we're in pain - whether it's a stomach ache, our joints, a headache, etc...
While we can't really "speak" with our pets, we can communicate with them in other ways. But can you really tell when your pet is in pain?
The International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management (IVAPM) has designated September as Animal Pain Awareness Month and the doctors at Benbow Veterinary Services (BVS) are urging you to take notice of this, often overlooked, problem that affects animals of all species and sizes everywhere.
Anything That Is Painful To You Is Likely Painful For Your Pet As Well.
As cited by DVM360, it was once thought that animals did not experience pain in the same way people do. But research supports that if a procedure is thought to be painful to us, it will also be painful to our fuzzy, scaly, feathery friends as well, even though they may go to great lengths to hide it.
Just as there have been advances in pain management for humans, our animal family members can benefit from advanced treatments for them as well.
Where We Come In...
BVS focuses on putting together plans for proper pain management that are customized for your pet. Based on our experience and on our continuous education, we look at a combination of traditional and alternative/complementary treatments to make sure your pet receives the most benefits possible from treatment.
What You Should Look For
It is often difficult to tell if your pet is in pain, no matter how well you know their behavior, and a lot of times pet parents, unintentionally, dismiss the signs as something other than their pet being in pain.
Below, we're sharing a simple infographic to help make you aware of and recognize signs of dogs and cats in pain. We recommend you bookmark or save it to refer to when you're not quite sure about your pet's behavior.
We know you want top-of-the-line care for your pet, which is why we look at all areas of their health, including pain management. Make sure to consult your veterinary team, and never hesitate to ask questions, so together we can give your pets the great quality of life they deserve.